Leuven, 15 December 2023 (17.40 hrs CET)
This afternoon, the Boards of Directors of Cera Société de Gestion, statutory director of Cera, and Almancora Société de Gestion, statutory director of KBC Ancora, announced that they have appointed Frederik Vandepitte as full-time managing director and CEO effective February 1, 2024. He follows in the footsteps of Franky Depickere, who has successfully led the Cera Group since 2006. Until the end of April 2026, Franky Depickere will remain part-time managing director and will continue to fulfil his mandates and assignments in the KBC Group on behalf of Cera and prepare their transfer.
The selection process was conducted with continuity in mind. For the Boards of Directors, a continuation of the high quality of the management of Cera and KBC Ancora and of the strong presence of the Cera Group within the KBC Group was paramount. The Boards of Directors are confident that in this way continuity and an efficient and smooth transition are guaranteed and a successful future for the Cera Group is assured.