Christiane Steegmans

Christiane Steegmans (born 1958) obtained a Master’s degree in Commercial Engineering at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management. After performing junior finance roles in a variety of sectors, she joined IBM Consulting as an associate partner, working on financial advisory assignments and on setting up a system of shared services.
She followed this with a variety of financial roles at Delhaize Group, where she was engaged with strategy at Belgian and European level. When she left Delhaize in 2015, Christiane was Senior Vice President Corporate Development Belgium. She went on to fulfil a number of consultancy roles. Since 2016 she has been a partner at Innovity, a consultancy which advises company leaders on strategy, finance and governance. As a director of Almancora Société de gestion, Christiane Steegmans brings a wealth of financial and strategic experience in a range of situations and sectors.
She was appointed as an independent director of Almancora Société de gestion SA on 15 September 2017. She fulfils her director’s mandate as permanent representative of the private limited company Visionality.