Left to right and top to bottom:
Marc De Ceuster, Liesbet Okkerse, Paul Demyttenaere, Henri Vandermeulen, Rita Van kerckhoven, Johan Massy, Mathilde Remy, Frederik Vandepitte, Luc Vandecatseye, Christiane Steegmans, Philippe Vanclooster, Franky Depickere
The Board of Directors of the statutory manager, Almancora Société de gestion, comprises three types of directors:
A directors are those whose directorship forms part of their everyday professional activity. They are executive directors.
The following persons are currently appointed as A directors:
The current A directors are also managing directors of Cera Société de gestion, Cera’s statutory manager. This allows a personal link to be created between KBC Ancora and Cera.
B directors, who are elected from the members’ movement of Cera.
These directors personify the institutional link between KBC Ancora and Cera, as also enshrined in the description of KBC Ancora’s goals set out in the Articles of Association. Cera Ancora, within which the members’ movement of Cera is organized, holds a right of veto over the appointment of B directors’. These are non-executive directors.
The following persons are currently appointed as B directors’:
For the same reasons as cited above in the case of the A directors, the current B directors are also directors of Cera Société de gestion, Cera’s statutory manager.
C directors are independent and non-executive.
The company applies strict independence criteria. These independence criteria are set out in Article 9 of the Articles of Association of Almancora Société de gestion. All C directors also comply with the statutory independence criteria as defined in article 7:87 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code (Wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen/Code des sociétés et des associations). They are independent both vis-à-vis the management of KBC Ancora and towards the Cera group and the KBC group.
The independent directors play an important part in the appointment of new directors for KBC Ancora’s statutory manager, Almancora Société de gestion, as they constitute a majority on the Appointments Committee.
The following persons are currently appointed as C directors’:
Paul Demyttenaere also chairs the Board of Directors of Almancora Société de gestion.